UrbaChina – November 28, 2012

UrbaChina: Sustainable Urbanisation in China,
Mega-trends towards 2050

Traditional architectural forms in market oriented Chinese cities: Place for localities or symbol of culture?

This paper, written by Fei Chen (University of Liverpool) gives a critical analysis of urban conservation and regeneration programmes in China ((Chen, F (2011) « Traditional architectural forms in market oriented Chinese cities: Place for localities or symbol of culture? » Habitat International vol 35, issue 2:410-18)). Ever since Beijing’s implementation of regulation on urban conservation, major Chinese cities have undertaken urban conservation projects. The author has selected four of them to… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

The intangible cultural heritage award

Melody Brosseau (film director), Hélène Attali (chief editor) and Caroline Bodolec (anthropologist) are pleased to inform you that their documentary, Yaodong, a Small Treatise Building, received the intangible cultural heritage award at the Jean Rouch Ethnographic Film Festival on November 16, 2012…. more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

Environmental Governance in China:Weakness and Potential from an Environmental Policy Integration Perspective

Olivia Bina, Environmental Governance in China: Weakness and Potential from an Environmental Policy Integration Perspective, The China Review, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 2010), 207–240 Interest in China’s capacity for environmental governance is growing, in line with its environmental woes and exponential economic growth. Environmental policy efforts have lacked effectiveness, confirming the persistence of a disjuncture between promise and performance. This article contributes to the debate through… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

Conference annoncement: Building tomorrow sustainable cities

November 25, 2012, 11:00 am – 6:30 pm, 798 Art District, Beijing, « Alternative cities: 3 roundtables: cities and architectural creation/ cities and society/ cities and innovation Alternative cities 1st Roundtable: Cities and architectural creation – Architecture as an urban action (11:00 am -12:00am) Speakers: -Jacques Ferrier, director of Agence Jacques Ferrier Architectures -Qi Xin, director of Qixin Architecture and Engineering, -Dong Gong, associate-director of Vector Architects, -François L… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

Chinese corpus

Chinese corpus. A study of overseas Chinese presence on the Web: Morphology of the Web and production of the diaspora By Emmanuel Ma Mung Kuang This exploratory survey falls into a general investigation of the way dispersed collectives create their own worlds. The objective is to discover how use of the Internet configures their singular space and time (their own worlds). The unexpected results are that the Chinese diasporic Web is mainly Anglo-Saxon and that the geography of the selected site… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

China’s internal and international migration

Li Peilin et Roulleau-Berger, Laurence (dir.), China’s internal and international migration, London, Routledge, 2012, 284 p. One consequence of China’s economic growth has been a massive increase in migration, both internal and external. Within China millions of rural workers have migrated to the cities. Outside China, many Chinese have migrated to other parts of the world, their remittances home often having a significant impact within China. Also, China’s increasing links to other parts of the… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org

Urban or rural household registration? observations on migrant workers’ attitudes in the Huangshan district

The ratio of rural to urban population is an important indicator in evaluating the degree of urbanisation in a specific place. For more than two decades, Chinese cities have developed rapidly, increasing the ratio of urbanisation . The Chinese government implements an urban household registration system to control population flow. Under this system, which is known as the hukou [戶口] system, households are divided into “agricultural” and “non-agricultural”, based on the geographical location of th… more on urbachina.hypotheses.org